Maria Rosiani e Eraldo Schiessl

Candidatos a prefeita e vice em Bela Vista do Toldo-SC, unidos para um futuro melhor.

a piece of paper sitting on top of a table next to a pen
a piece of paper sitting on top of a table next to a pen



Juntos Podemos Progredir

Eleições 2024

Candidatos 2024

Rosiani Karvat e Eraldo Schiessl, juntos por Bela Vista.

people walking on road beside Trump building
people walking on road beside Trump building
man wearing Guy Fawkes Mask standing inside building
man wearing Guy Fawkes Mask standing inside building
The Week magazine
The Week magazine
Donald Trump photo with klimaleugner sign
Donald Trump photo with klimaleugner sign
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
gray cushion chairs on white tile flooring
gray cushion chairs on white tile flooring